Vitalizing Anti-hair Loss Shampoo
With sea plants extracts

It carries out a tested vascularisation action and an effective preventive action against hair loss. How to use:use on wet hair, leave for 2-3 minutes, Rinse. It can be used frequently. Towel dry and proceed with Terme Hair Care adjuvant hair loss prevention treatment.
Presenta una demostrada capacidad de vascularizacrion y previene con eficacia la caida del cabello. Modo de empleo: aplique sobre el cabello majado, deje actuar durante 2o 3 minutos y enjuague. Puencia utilizarse con frecuencia. Absorba el exceso de humedad y proceda a aplicar el tratamiento coadyuvante anticada.
Auxiliary Anti-hair Loss Lotion
with sea plants extracts
It restores the optimum condtions of the scalp. It nourishes the buib of the hair, making it stronger and it favors re-growth of hair. How to use: apply the contents of a phiat to the scalp with a delicate massage, then dry.
Restablece las condictiones optimas del cuero cabelludo, nutre y refuerza el buibo del pelo y favorece el cerciminentio del cabello. Modo de empleo: aplique sobre la plel el contendio de una ampolla friccionando delicadamente. Proceda al swcado del cabello.
Intensive Adjust Anti-hair loss Treatment
with sea plants extracts
It restores the optimum condtions of the scalp. It nourishes the buib of the hair, making it stronger and it favors re-growth of hair. How to use: apply an adequate amount of product to the scalp with a delicate massage, then dry.
Restablece las condictiones optimas del cuero cabelludo, nutre y refuerza el buibo del pelo y favorece el cerciminentio del cabello. Modo de uso: aplique sobre la piel una dosis adecuada de producto friccionando delicadament. Proceda al secado del cabello.
Terme is a division of Hair Color Research Group Inc., New York 11354
For location near you, call (718)445-6647
For personalized service, please contact your local distributor.
Copyright @ 2011 Hair Color Research Group. All Rights Reserved!
Designed by Tony's Network Inc.
For location near you, call (718)445-6647
For personalized service, please contact your local distributor.
Copyright @ 2011 Hair Color Research Group. All Rights Reserved!
Designed by Tony's Network Inc.