Hair Coloring Cream

An oxidation coloring product, rich in natural ingredients, which has an innovative formula using the purest of coloring substances and Ceramide A2. It also containts an exclusive Restructrizing Multivitaminic Complex which gives splendid long-last shades. Mixed withe Terme Oxiactivadoe, it ensures complete coverage of gray hair with a long-lasting fast color, leaving your hair soft and silky. Terme Color Hair Coloring Cream has a low ammonia content which is extremely gentle on your hair while a light fragrance makes its pleasant use. 300 ml bottle.
Coloraction a base de oxidacion formulada sobre principos innovadores con substancias conlorantes innensamente pura, Ceramdie A2 y rica de ingredientes naturales. Contiene admemas unComplejo Multivitaminico Regenerdor que permite obtener y mantener esplendidos madtices por logo tiempo. Mezclada la cobertura total de las canas con una optima restistencia y esrabilidad del colore, dejando el cabello suave y sedoso. La Crema Colorante Terme Color posee un bajo contenido de amoniaco para granitizar el maximo respeto del cabello, asi como un ligero perfume que hace agradable su empleo. Envase de 300 ml.
Tone on Tone Hair Coloring Cream

A gentle colorant contanining no ammonia, enriched with Creamide A2. Formula guarantees particularly brilliant color, coverage of white hair, conditions hair while yielding lasting results that will not discolor. Does not lighten hair. 100 ml tube.
Es un colorante delicado sin contenido de amoniaco, enriquecido con Ceramide A2. Su formula garantiza colores extra brillantes, la cobertura de los cabellos biancos, nutre el cabello coloreandolo con una duracion optima en el tiempo y sin variacion de color. No tiene poder aclarante. Tubo 100 ml.
Oxidizing Emulsion Cream Developer

Oxidising emuision in the form of a scented cream, to eliminate the unpleasant odour of ammonia in unpleasant odour of ammonia in oxidising coolours. Contains conditioners for added shine and long-lasting colur. Easy to mix, avaiable in four versions: 10,20,30 and 40 percent. 250 g box.
Emulsion axidante en crema perfumada, psra eliminar el mal olor del amoniaco contenido en los colores por oxidacion. Perfectamente estabilzada para mantener los colores durante mucho tiempo. Gracias a los agentes acondicionadores con los ques esta entriquecida, proporciona brillo a los cabellos y hace que el tenido tenga mayor duracion. Se puede amalgamar con facilidad y esta disponible en cuatro versiones: 10, 20, 30 y 40 volumenes. Caja de 250 g.
After Color Shampoo. After Color Mask

Terme Color post-technical treatment shampoo contains active ingredients which restore ideal pH to treated hair. Helps stop flaking, helps color last longer, makes permed or color-treated hair supple and shiny. Suitable for frequent use. Terme Color post-coloring treament mask rich in mostruriesrs and nutrients is the ideal product for coloured hair. It restores all substances needed to and light, silkiiness and softness to the hair and helps prevent flaking of the scalp after technical treatment. 300 ml bottle.
El champu para despues de los tratamientos tecincos Terme Color, gracias a sus principos activos, vuelve a dejer el pelo trado con su pH ideal. Su utilizaction faccilitia el cierre de las escamas, mantiene la duracion del color, confiere elasticidad y luminosidad al pelo con permanente o con mechas, Puede ser ulitizado frecentemente. La mascra para ulitizado luego de la tintuta Terma Color es rica de sustancias rehidratanes y nutrientes, es el producto ideal para los cabellos tendos. Otorga a los cabellos todas las sustansodad y suavidad para cerrando las escamas del la cuticula luego de cada tratamineto tecnico. Envase de 300 ml.
Terme I.C.E. Digital Color - Intense Color Extreme
Modern Digital Formula with botanicals and advanced formulation for a more comfortable process and the finest finish.
The innovative formula of TERME I.C.E. Digital Color with botanical oils ensures the utmost respect and helps to safeguard the hair's structure. Rich in natural ingre dients and above all of an exclusive restructuring shea butter and botanical oils, it makes it easy to obtain natural looking color. The 44 shades forming I.C.E. Color's chart grant the hairdresser a quick and complete answer to all your professional coloring needs. The availability of two corrective agents will result in numerous choices of shade variations. The exclusive use of high quality active ingredients and pigments guarantees even colors, intense and brilliant shades and a total coverage of grey hair.
The combined use of I.C.E. Color with botanicals and TERME Creme Peroxide, creates a smooth and delicate mixture, easy to apply and spread for a quick and simple usage. TERME's continued research and development of new products combine ease of use and respect of the hair's structure in order to obtain the best professional results. TERME's latest formulation, I.C.E. Color, is created with botanical oils and shea butter, and has a minimal content of ammonia and light perfume for a pleas ant, uniform application with a brilliant and silky finish. HOW TO USE In a non metallic bowl mix 1 oz./30mii.C.E. Color with 1-1/2 oz./45ml TERME Creme Peroxide at 10-20-30-40 Vol. until it resembles a creamy and smooth mixture . For super lightening: one part TERME I.C.E. and two and a half parts. TERME Creme Peroxide. CHOOSING THE CREME PEROXIDE Creme Peroxide 10 Vol. (3%):To darken a shade or color tone on tone. Processing time: about 30 minutes. Creme Peroxide 20 Vol. (6%): To cover grey hair, to lighten a shade. Processing time: about 30-35 minutes. Creme Peroxide 30 Vol. (9%): For a medium level darkness to a lighter shade (2 or 3 shades), to highlight reds. Processing time: about 35 minutes . Creme Peroxide 40 Vol. (12%): For a darker shade to a lighter shade (3 or 4 shades), to highlight reds |
Natural hair (1st application): Apply the preparation at a distance of 2cm/less than 1 inch from the roots to the ends, leave for 20 minutes; re-prepare the same mix and then apply to roots. leaving for another 15-20 minutes.
Tinted hair (touch-up): Prepare the desired mix and apply only to re-growth, leave for 20 minutes; then apply the product to length and ends and leave for about another 10 minutes, diluting if necessary with lukewarm water. ULTRA HIGH LIFT SHADES 900/901/903 : Natural hair (1st application): Ultra high lift shades are formulated for extra lift up to 5 levels on natural hair. 10 Vol. to 40 Vol., depending on the degree of lift: Mix 1 oz./30ml High Lift with 2 oz./1 OOml TERME Creme Peroxide. Apply the mixture at a distance of 2 em. from the roots to the ends, leave for 45-50 minutes ; re-prepare the same mix and then apply to roots, leaving for another 30 minutes. Tinted hair (touch-up): Prepare the desired mix and apply only to regrowth, leave in for 40/45 minutes. USAGE HINT: High lift up to 5 levels. when creating your regular formulas you may require a bit more lift but prefer not to use a higher volume peroxide, in many cases you may infuse a super Iightner at 1/4 oz I 1OmI for 1 to 2 levels more lift. RINSING: At the end of the time indicated for each application , add some tepid water and lather well to distribute the color, rinse well and shampoo with TERME Shampoo or a professional non stripping shampoo/cleansing. INTENSIFIERS: The TERME I.C.E. Color range of shades may be increased by using color intensifiers 0.66 and 0.77. These are corrective shades with very intense reflects to enhance the results of a color. They are added in varying quanties, 1/4 oz. to 1 oz. depending on the intensity of reflect needed. MIXING: Use 1/2 oz./15mI of intensifiers for each 2 oz./50ml TERME Color. SPECIAL MECHES 90.01 I 90.02 I 90.32: Special series to tone bleached hair and highlights. Use 1:2 ratio with TERME Creme Peroxide at 10Vol. Development time: from 15 to 25 minutes. INTENSE NATURALS: Use when the application is for hair over 30% grey for deeper and richer coverage of resistant grey hair. |
Terme Professional Color

• Enhanced protective formula for healthier looking hair
• Rich with collagen
• Colors, nourishes and protects
• 100% grey coverage
• Multi application tubes
• Protective collagen and protein fixative technology
• For shinier looking hair and professional finish
Terme is a division of Hair Color Research Group Inc., New York 11354
For location near you, call (718)445-6647
For personalized service, please contact your local distributor.
Copyright @ 2011 Hair Color Research Group. All Rights Reserved!
Designed by Tony's Network Inc.
For location near you, call (718)445-6647
For personalized service, please contact your local distributor.
Copyright @ 2011 Hair Color Research Group. All Rights Reserved!
Designed by Tony's Network Inc.